Meet Assenty, the Elixir Phoenix-powered social Question Board service


I started learning Elixir nearly two years ago and love the concurrency, fault-tolerance and scalability paradigms its Erlang heritage brings to the table. I discovered Phoenix in early spring 2015 when I was looking for Chicago Boss with an easier learning curve 🙂 For the non-developers reading this, Chicago Boss is a web framework for the Erlang programming language. Erlang is not renowned for its learning curve but is acclaimed for its reliability. Just ask WhatsApp.

I digress…

Today, after nearly seven months of hard work in stealth mode, I’m thrilled to launch Assenty, a service I’ve built with Elixir to provide real-time Q&A support for event organisers, using Phoenix channels.
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Viva La Blogger


Welcome to my new blog! I’ll be sharing my journey from social media marketing aficionado to software engineer, via starting a company or two. Many of the initial posts will be programming-language specific and consequently very technology-heavy so please be aware of that.

I started blogging again because I started a new company called Assenty, and had to come out of a long-standing hibernation from social media, brought on from the combined fatigue of years of working as a social media consultant.
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