It’s been an intense week! Yesterday, I was at three different events between 9:30am and 2pm, and they were all fantastic in their own way, especially the long awaited Fund Her North launch which I’m involved with. That was something special indeed.
I had an eye on the weather all day though as I knew I had Run #8 of my 10 x 10km challenge scheduled.
I’m thrilled to say I completed it – a little bleary-eyed as you can see from the ‘after’ video below.
And less an earring, which you may have spotted from the ‘before’ video!
I’m doing this challenge to raise £5000 for an incredible cause I’m honoured to be a part of called Global Run 4 Hope.
Run 4 Hope raises much needed funds to transform lives from backgrounds of drug and alcohol addiction – and all that comes with that – domestic violence, self-harm, deteriorating mental health, and more.
I normally run 10km in a park at the annual fundraiser event but COVID-19 put paid to that this year so I’m joining hundreds of others around the world to set challenges in the run up to the big ‘online event’ on 17 October.
That’s less than three days away and I still have two 10km runs to complete!
Will you sponsor me, please?
Kindly click on the link below to donate what you can. Funds go directly to the charity. Every little helps!
Thank you. And God bless.
You can follow my progress on the way to 10 x 10km in less than 20 days right here on this blog, on Instagram or on YouTube.
Here’s the montage of run stats I’m compiling. Only two blocks to add!