Sponsor me as I embark on a 10 x 10km challenge for #Run4Hope #R4H2020


You may have spotted a few videos and posts on Instagram about this!

I’m doing a ’10 by 10km’ challenge to raise £5000 for the amazing initiative that is Run4Hope 2020!

That’s ten 10km runs in under 3 weeks! Phew.

Please take a minute to watch the video and click the link below to donate whatever you can! Follow my journey on Instagram.

Thank you.


Heroes and Villains of the Atlantic slave trade: Samuel Ajayi Crowther — c. 1809–31 December 1891

HM the Queen in Nigeria, 1956

Image credit: Quora

To educate myself about Nigeria’s colonial history, I’ve started a little experiment. 

I’ll be profiling a prominent individual from the British colonial era once a week in June and posting this on Medium.

Here’s the first.

Nominated for a Northern Power Women 2020 Future List Award – and more!


It’s been quite a while since I last updated this blog.  We’re talking practically a year and a half! I do apologise, this tardiness in updating is highly embarrassing. So sorry…. yes, really.  Can I go now??

Okay, mental slap on the wrist over, I’m thrilled to share that I’ve been quiet for very good reason – I’ve been especially busy working on business development for Assenty, and contracting full-time as a software engineer!  

Lots and lots has happened, there’s been much graft, prayers and tears in the background, and some really, really good developments, not least some of these:

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Learning Elixir at Manchester Lambda Lounge


Here are the slides from my recent Learn Elixir talk at Manchester Lambda Lounge, the monthly meet up for fan of functional programming languages in Manchester. This is my second talk there, the first, back in October 2016, was a show-and-tell on Assenty, the real-time Q&A web service I’ve been building at assenty.com.

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Build Your Own Real-Time Web Service with Elixir/Phoenix: Assenty Show and Tell


Here are the slides from my recent talk at Manchester Lambda Lounge.

Aimed at a largely non-Erlang/Elixir audience, the talk was about the soft real-time aspects of Elixir/Phoenix and its WebSocket implementation (aka Phoenix channels) – the main inspiration behind the real-time Q&A web service at assenty.com

Manchester Lambda Lounge, in their own words,

“meets monthly to talk about and popularise new ways of thinking about computation. Frequent topics include functional programming, type systems, programming language design and aspects of computer science.”

As Elixir is still relatively new, and case study materials on the Phoenix web framework thin on the ground, I focused on explaining the core components of the web framework with an emphasis on Phoenix channels and, the rationale behind Phoenix and Elixir.

The presentation concluded with a live demo of Assenty. Here is the resultant question board which includes questions asked and answered live by the audience.

I’ve embedded the question that won Gold Question Award below!

This question was asked at #elixirlang
Powered by Assenty



Spiritual Pint    Gold Question Award

Another test in chrome on android

It was a good opportunity to meet active members of Manchester’s growing functional programming community to talk code and I look forward to attending another event.