Edging closer: Run #8 of 10 done – My 10 x 10km challenge for #Run4Hope #R4H2020


It’s been an intense week! Yesterday, I was at three different events between 9:30am and 2pm, and they were all fantastic in their own way, especially the long awaited Fund Her North launch which I’m involved with.  That was something special indeed.

I had an eye on the weather all day though as I knew I had Run #8 of my 10 x 10km challenge scheduled.

I’m thrilled to say I completed it – a little bleary-eyed as you can see from the ‘after’ video below. 

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Nominated for a Northern Power Women 2020 Future List Award – and more!


It’s been quite a while since I last updated this blog.  We’re talking practically a year and a half! I do apologise, this tardiness in updating is highly embarrassing. So sorry…. yes, really.  Can I go now??

Okay, mental slap on the wrist over, I’m thrilled to share that I’ve been quiet for very good reason – I’ve been especially busy working on business development for Assenty, and contracting full-time as a software engineer!  

Lots and lots has happened, there’s been much graft, prayers and tears in the background, and some really, really good developments, not least some of these:

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Event Highlights: Ada Lovelace Day 2018 – #ALD18 #DigitalHer



Each year Ada Lovelace Day takes place on the second Tuesday of October and sees hundreds of volunteers around the world organising their own independent events to celebrate, promote and support girls and women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Who is Ada Lovelace? Why is she celebrated? Continue reading

Tech Nation on Tour: triumphant in Manchester – #WeAreTechNation


Wow, what a night!

Yesterday’s Tech Nation on Tour event in Manchester, at the rather select settings of No. 1 Spinningfields was an absolute triumph!

Oversubscribed to the point that over two hundred more people were signed up for a venue that seated 300+, it engaged from the minute we walked in!

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Event Highlights: Ladies of Code Manchester – June 2017


Image credit: Catherine Heath

What amazing times we live in. Here is a picture of the audience at the Ladies of Code Manchester event on 27 June where I got to share my journey in building Assenty, the real-time Q&A platform over at assenty.com.

It’s mostly developers and would-be developers interested in turning an idea into a product. And all ladies!
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Event Highlights: UpFront Conf 2017 – #Upfrontconf


On Friday 19 May, I was thrilled to attend the UpFront Conf 2017 conference at the Bridgewater Hall where, as part of their Speaker Bursary scheme, I got to present a five minute lightning talk on Assenty, the real-time Q&A platform I’ve been building over at assenty.com. Continue reading

Event Highlights: Bootstrap vs Investment Funding – #StartupStories


Last month when I blogged about listening to the speakers at trade organisation Manchester Digital’s eighth Startup Stories event little did I know that I would be speaking at the next.

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Event Highlights: Ladies that UX MCR – Lightning Talk – Being a Female Founder and Software Engineer


Image credit: Ummi Jameel

Ladies that UX is an international community of UX designers, practitioners and experts. It started out as monthly meet up in Manchester in 2013, organised by Lizzie Dyson (@lizziedyson) and Georgie Bottomley (@bottomley_g), both User Experience (UX) professionals, to give, in their own words

“us women somewhere to have a community that understood our interests, work challenges and family commitments”.

It has since expanded into nearly 50 cities around the world and Ladies that UX groups now meet regularly in locations as far apart as Denver, Colorado, Cape Town, South Africa and Tokyo, Japan. There is also an international conference, TalkUX, taking place in its third outing in Taipei, Taiwan later this year.

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